1. Always Monitor Your Smart Refrigerator To Make Sure It Isn’t Subtly Steering Your Kids Into The Alt-Right Pipeline
  2. Always Monitor Your Smart Refrigerator To Make Sure It Isn’t Subtly Steering Your Kids Into The Alt-Right Pipeline

Always Monitor Your Smart Refrigerator To Make Sure It Isn’t Subtly Steering Your Kids Into The Alt-Right Pipeline

Regular price $1,200.00
"Always Monitor Your Smart Refrigerator To Make Sure It Isn’t Subtly Steering Your Kids Into The Alt-Right Pipeline”
14 x 11 inches
acrylic on panel
ready to hang
To see more of Matt's fine art, please visit mattadrian.com.
(All original painting purchases are final.  Note: Please contact us at info@mincingmockingbird.com for international shipping inquiries.)